Before the start of the season, we put a question on Facebook, ‘if there was one thing about the League that you could change, what would it be?’ Several issues were raised in relation to playing conditions, and we have decided to survey all players on these.  
The survey covers: 
start times 
number of overs played in league games 
colour of balls & clothing for league games 
bowlers’ restrictions in league games 
number of matchdays in the T20 Blast group stage 
Sunday cup competitions 
recruitment of umpires 
There is also a free text box for players to tell us anything else they think important. 
The ECB ask Leagues to proactively take into account players’ views in formulating playing conditions, and we see the survey as an important way of doing this. The findings will be analysed and published, and used by our committees to help formulate any proposals for 2023. 
We would be very grateful if all our players could take a few minutes to fill in the survey and it submit to us. 
If you have any queries or issues in respect of the survey, please contact the website manager
The survey will be open until 10 July. 
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