Clubs' bulletin no 9 - 10 June 2022 

All Stars & Dynamos cricket 
We have now received the June 2022 overview of All Stars and Dynamos participants, which includes the detailed club-by-club breakdown for Yorkshire. Congratulations to Hallam, who once again ‘top the table’ for participants, and we are very proud to note that our league has six clubs in the top ten in the county – the other five being Oughtibridge War Memorial, Wickersley Old Village, Tickhill, Millhouses Works and Cawthorne – congratulations to all! 
Any club seeking accreditation or reaccreditation must ensure that their committee agrees to adopt the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code within the club, ensure that this is duly recorded in the notes of the relevant meeting, and submit these as evidence with the Clubmark documents. 
Player survey 
Before the start of the season, we asked on Facebook, ‘if there was one thing about the League that you could change, what would it be?’ Several issues were raised in relation to playing conditions, and we have decided to survey all players on these. The findings will be analysed and published, and used by our committees to help formulate any proposals for 2023. 
The ECB ask Leagues to proactively take into account players’ views in formulating playing conditions, and we see the survey as an important way of doing this. We would be very grateful if all players could take a few minutes to fill it in and submit to us. 
Once the survey is live, we will send a link to all players via Play-Cricket, and we will publicise the survey on the League website and social media. 
We have had a number of enquiries about when we will we be holding more Safe Hands Courses. Some are new people that would like to attend a course, others are existing Club Safeguarding Officers (CSO) that require to update their certificate. 
Over the last close season, we organised two Safe Hands Courses that were very well attended. We are looking to arrange at least two more courses in this next close season, in October/November this year and February 2023. The dates and venue (normally Rotherham Phoenix) will be confirmed. 
At the moment we have at least 50 existing CSOs, plus new ones, that need to update their certificate. We have a record of all CSOs that need to update and will be contacting them with dates and venue later in the season. 
Umpire recruitment 
As you may well be aware, umpire recruitment is one of our main priorities. We need to increase our umpire pool in order that we can cover as many of our games as possible. 
South Yorkshire ECB ACO has already organised the first stage one and two course for the end of the cricket season: 
Dates: Sunday 16th and Sunday 30th October 2022 - 9am to 4pm 
Venue: Rotherham Phoenix Sports & Social Club, Pavilion Lane, Brinsworth, Rotherham 
The booking link will become live shortly via the YCB website, so you can book your place. 
Any questions or need further information please email Alison Gresser
Please encourage anyone at your club who may be coming to the end of their playing career, or who just wants to be involved on matchdays, to take the course!