Clubs' bulletin no 5 - 21 April 

Players’ clothing. Clubs are reminded of the provisions of new administrative rule 43 that was passed by clubs at the AGM last November – in particular, around what may be printed on players’ clothing (club logos and names, sponsor logos and names, player names and numbers) and what may not (no slogans of any kind). Umpires have been asked to report any breaches of this rule. It is the club’s responsibility to ensure that all their players comply with this rule, and any sanctions taken following a reported breach will be against the team concerned. 
Reports. Clubs are asked to ensure that captains’ reports (Premier Section and Divisions 1-3) are completed within three days of the game. 
Social media. If any club would like us to help promote your club activities on our Facebook page, for example, All Stars, Dynamos, Womens’ & Girls’ cricket, charity and club fund-raising activities, please email Andrew Tipple with details. 
Subscriptions. Clubs are reminded that all League/YCB subscriptions must be paid to the treasurer by 30 April. 
Umpires’ rooms. Clubs are reminded to ensure that where there is an umpire’s room, it should be clean and not so cluttered by equipment that umpires do not have reasonable access and adequate space to change.