Clubs' bulletin no 2 of 2023 - 8 February
Communications working group
As mentioned at the AGM last November, we will be setting up a small working group to look at League communications – primarily those between league officials and clubs. We envisage this will involve a couple of Zoom meetings, and the need to review a proposal document to go to the LEB. It is important that we obtain the views of both club officials and players in this work. If anyone at your club wishes to be involved, please contact Roger Pugh by 17 February.
DBS updating
Following changes to the DBS electronic update system, all officials that have a DBS will receive an email prompt to go into the system and confirm that their details are correct. This will take place over the next 12 months, as individual DBSs become due for renewal, and it is important that everyone prompted follows the instructions provided.
Distribution of ECB funding
The League Executive Board decided last year that monies paid to the League by the ECB should be allocated on a percentage basis to clubs in the Premier Division in 2022 (60%) and the Championship Division (30%), with the balance of 10% allocated to League administration. Clubs with teams in both Premier and Championship Divisions are entitled only to the share earned by their Premier Division team. The amount allocated to each club is based on its performance in agreed categories, including pitch and outfield markings, facilities, participation initiatives, etc. in the table below.
Of the money available to Premier Division clubs, £7,221.00 has been allocated to clubs, and of the money for Championship clubs, £2,990.10 has been allocated. This is currently being paid directly into club bank accounts by the League treasurer. The remaining balance of £4,724.40 has been put into to the discretionary Development Fund, which has been set up to help Senior Section clubs with small projects.
Fixture rearrangements
It was reported by the Competitions Manager at the LEB last week that there were still 21 Senior Section fixtures still to be rearranged, with one club having as many as five to rearrange. The Board was disappointed by the lack of activity in some cases, but has agreed that the cut-off date for rearrangements will be extended to 28 February. It is vital that clubs who need to rearrange any fixtures ensure that this is done by the end of February. Rearrangements must be agreed between both clubs concerned, and notified to the Competitions Manager, Matt Summerhill.
Hybrid pitches at Ackworth
Ackworth CC have had three hybrid pitches laid, and have invited any interested clubs to visit and inspect them. If any club wishes to arrange an inspection, please contact Jono Gillespie at Ackworth.
Scorers’ courses
The last two of the programme of Roadshows organised by the League’s Scoring Manager, Steve Ward, will be at Mexborough Athletic CC on Saturday 11 February and Cawthorne CC on Sunday 26 February These are taster sessions that cover both book and electronic scoring. The sessions are free of charge and additional ones can also be arranged at your club. These are ideal for anyone is interested in scoring, especially juniors.
Steve has also arranged a two-day Club Scorer course, which covers manual book-scoring, and will be at Whiston Parish Church CC over the weekend of 18 and 19 February; and two further courses to cover laptop scoring, on Saturday 4 March at Whiston PC CC and at Millhouses Works CC on Sunday 5 March.
In addition to the above, an information day for all Premier Section scorers will be held on Saturday 25 March at Whiston PC CC.
These are ideal for anyone is interested in scoring, especially juniors. For more information, please contact Steve Ward on 07919 241148.